Elemental Christian Review

Elemental While watching it one understands one thing – this movie is not just a fun way of animation, but it is such an emotional journey that gives you a new thought to understand your differences and to accept others as your own. The world that Pixar has created, where people live separately from fire, water, earth and air, is not just a setting where drama happens – it is a reflection of the real world. The story of Ember and Wade, which initially seem like complete opposites – a fiery girl and a chilled-out water guy – delivers a deep message: how we can connect with each other through love and understanding despite our differences.
And if we look at it from a Christian perspective, this movie definitely runs on the same premise that we have in our faith. In the Bible we read, “Connecting with each other with peace and love,” and this movie shows the same through the relationship between Ember and Wade. The initial tension that was there between these two, slowly after trying to understand them and accepting the differences, they express their love for each other. This is exactly like how we love others in our lives by understanding our differences.
And yes, Elemental also explores another topic that is very relevant in today’s time – immigration and cultural differences. Being the fire element, Ember’s parents have to face discrimination from other elements. This can be very relatable to anyone, especially those who are leaving their roots and establishing themselves in a new city or country. Though it seems like a family-friendly animated film, there is a deep message hidden inside it – we can understand our past experiences, leave behind our old hatred and make another person our own. Just like it is said in the Bible, “As God has forgiven you, so you should forgive others,” Elemental explores the same concept, just in an animated and loveable way.

Now let’s talk about Wade’s character, who sacrifices himself for Amber. This is a bit intense because we also have this concept in our faith that real love is what we do not have for ourselves, but for others. This film shows that until we do not sacrifice ourselves for others, we do not understand the real meaning of love. Wade, who helps Amber by putting his life at stake, is just like we are ready to do anything for our friends and family.
When Ember understands her family and their old thinking and takes a decision for her own happiness, it is a strong reminder that we should leave our old thinking and adopt new experiences and relationships. Just like Wade and Ember start understanding each other despite their differences, we too can understand our differences in our lives and fall in love with each other. This film is a reminder that we can strengthen our relationship by accepting our differences.
If you haven’t watched Elemental yet, you should watch it. This is not just a cute animated film, it is a deep life lesson – about love, understanding and accepting each other. Just like Ember and Wade understand each other despite being different, we too should learn in our lives that it is most important to love after understanding our differences. And the best thing is that this film shows that if we are ready to change our old thinking, then we can make our world a better place.