Captain Underpants Christain Review

So Captain Underpants—this movie is of a different level. I mean, the main superhero character wears just underwear and a cape. Yes, you heard it right. But there are not just funny and gross jokes in it, there is also a little love in its own quirky way.
So this movie is about two kids—George and Harold, who always keep pranking their school. Their target is their principal, Mr. Krupp, who is very angry and strict. So both of them hypnotize him and make him Captain Underpants, a superhero who appears just in his underwear and cape. It’s very funny, but this movie isn’t just about dumb jokes. If you look closely, there’s a good message inside.
First of all, this movie is about friendship and loyalty. These two kids will do anything to save their friendship, and when their actions have consequences, they realize they must take responsibility for their actions. They still make mistakes—they’re kids, so it’s obvious—but in the end they learn how important empathy, responsibility, and respect are. If you reflect a little, this is a small reminder that we all have to grow a little.

Now let’s talk about the humor in this movie. Look, the humor in Captain Underpants is quite… well, “also!” If you are not used to all these fart jokes, underwear references, and gross jokes, then you will feel a little uncomfortable. But if you are watching it with kids, then be ready for some explaining. But this humor is of the very childish type – which you find completely light-hearted, or else you feel, “what is happening!” There is a lot of gross-out humor, but the movie also has some serious moments.
So if you don’t have a problem with potty humor, you will enjoy watching this movie. Those jokes that you used to make in every other sentence in your childhood, are seen full-on here. But this movie is never inappropriate, it’s just a little childish. There is a fine line in this movie between funny and too much, and that line has been walked quite well.
Now let’s talk about Mr. Krupp. The principal, who was absolutely grumpy earlier, is quite transformed by the end. His character evolves, not just because he becomes Captain Underpants, but because he starts understanding things differently. This doesn’t mean he’s totally sweet now, but that the change is there. It’s a good lesson that people can change, no matter how grumpy they are.
But one thing that is a little problematic in the movie is the disrespect for authority that it shows, which can be a little problematic. In our faith, we need to respect authority (Romans 13:1-2), and this movie crosses that line a little. So that’s a little bit of a thought-provoking point. Yes, it shows a kids’ perspective, but for a grown-up it might be a bit alarming.
But still, Captain Underpants has its own charm. The goofy humor and kiddish excitement in it is endearing in itself. If you are looking for a family movie that makes your kids laugh and teaches them something good too, then this movie is fine. Yes, if you don’t like potty-humor, then it might irritate you. But if you are ready to ignore it a bit, then the message of the movie is in its right place.
So overall, this movie is quite entertaining, a little silly, but sweet in its own way. If you have seen this movie, you might have felt that the jokes were a little over-the-top, but there is also a small story, which is about friendship, change and a little redemption.